Are there any accredited online Master’s in Management degrees?

When searching for a high-quality online Master's in Management degree there are a variety of important factors to take into consideration. Potential students must consider prestigious accreditations to be one of the most important aspects of a top-notch online MiM degree program. There are two different accreditations to look for when comparing universities and programs. First, is a regional accreditation. Every college or university should, at minimum, hold a regional accreditation from one of the six regional higher accrediting institutions acknowledged by the US Department of Education. These institutions are the Middle States Commission on Higher Education; the Higher Learning Commission; the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education; the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities; the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges; and theWestern Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior College and University Commission. Many of the schools also hold elite business accreditations through the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education (IACBE), and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The AACSB accreditation is widely recognized as the gold standard in business related degrees. Students enrolled in online programs that have well-known accreditations can rest easy in knowing that their program is held to the highest standard of academics and will be just as respected as an on-campus program.

The University of Texas Dallas offers a fully online Master's of Science in Management Science. The 36-month MSMS is accredited by both the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and is offered at a competitive price point of $26,682. UT Dallas students who have earned their master's degree report earning exceptionally high early-career salaries, averaging $70,300. The MSMS program includes an impressive 15 areas of concentration and consists of 11-credit hours of core courses and 25-credit hours of elective courses. This ratio of core courses to elective credits creates a truly customizable degree. US News and World Report also currently ranks the University of Texas Dallas as having the #2 Best Online Graduate Business Program in the nation.

Students at Indiana University can earn a Master's of Science in Strategic Management that is 100% online and holds the #1 spot in US News and World Report's ranking of the Best Online Graduate Business Programs in the United States. This program holds elite accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission, as well as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The average cost of the MSSM at Indiana University is $39,000 and graduates with their master's degree have reported earning early career salaries of $56,800.

The University of Alabama's College of Continuing Studies includes a fully online Master's of Science in Operations Management. This distinct MSOM program is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges and the elite Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). The university also currently holds the #14 spot on US News and World Report's list of the Best Online Graduate Business Programs in the nation. The cost of tuition for resident students is an affordable $11,250. Coupled with this low tuition cost, graduates with their master's degree from the University of Alabama have reported earning early career salaries of $51,800.

Accreditation is a symbol of excellence among online and on-campus degrees alike. Each of these degrees hold the gold-standard of business accreditations and offer students business management curriculum that is on par with the top programs from around the world.